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XinYa Wire & Cable (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.


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How do wire and cable finished pressure test it?

Source: XinYa Wire & Cable (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.Popularity: 981Time: 2016-09-20SML

Wire and cable finished pressure test AC voltage test, also called frequency voltage withstand test. AC voltage test is applied higher than the operating voltage (rated voltage) the voltage value at a certain multiple of the finished wire and cable insulation, and insulation to maintain a certain period of time without breakdown. For power transmission with insulated wire and cable, before each product must be manufactured this one test.

Pressure test aims to assess the reliability of the product under operating voltage insulation in running and found serious flaws, but the most important is to find the point defects in the production process, such as: external damage, there is a sharp electric field on the conductor insulation serious defects like distortion. Withstand voltage test principles are selected: it is necessary to be able to find serious flaws in the insulation, but also will not damage the integrity of the insulation, resulting in insulation internal injury. General wire and cable pressure for 5 minutes.