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XinYa Wire & Cable (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.


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0755-2989 9183

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Contacts: Miss Deng

Telephone: 0755-29899183

Fax: 0755-29899365

E-mail: deng@copartner.com.cn

Factors leading wire and cable overheating, what does?

Source: XinYa Wire & Cable (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.Popularity: 906Time: 2016-09-20SML

1, the cable conductor resistance does not meet the requirements will result in overheating of the cables in operation. There is a cable-type selection properly, conductor cross-section of the cable used is too small, the running of the overload, after prolonged use, heating and cooling cables imbalance leads to overheating.

2, armored cable jacket damage locally, the insulation performance after causing a slow water damaging effects, resulting in the insulation resistance gradually reduced, can also cause overheating cable operation.

3, the arrangement of the cable installation is too dense, poor ventilation effect, or other heat sources close to the cable too close, affecting the normal cooling of the cable, the cable may also cause overheating during operation.
4, joint manufacturing technology is not good, crimping does not close, resulting in joint contact resistance is too large, it will cause the cable to overheat. Poor white cable insulation, causing the insulation resistance is small, the operation will overheat.