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XinYa Wire & Cable (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.


Line billion, cable chain Global

National 24 hours service hotline

0755-2989 9183

Common Problem

If you are interested in our products, please contact us immediately.

Contacts: Miss Deng

Telephone: 0755-29899183

Fax: 0755-29899365

E-mail: deng@copartner.com.cn

Causes of optical cable fault

Source: xinya wire&cablePopularity: 1027Time: 2017-01-10SML

1, cable splicing not in (air)

2, cable broken or squeezed wedge

3, the joints are not polished

4, the joint is not in contact

5, cable is too long

6, the core diameter is matching

7, do not match the diameter of filler

8, bending degree (small bending radii)